Dear Readers!
My books are not suited to those
with a preconceived opinion (wherever it comes from), who never ever would
consider changing even a part of that opinion, and who are, in a book, looking
for nothing else but a confirmation of their already formed, or worse yet,
'hammered in stone' opinion.
On the other hand, my books are very well
suited for everyone else, especially for those who
preserved their ability to be open to other views/opinions
and to general learning.
I am looking for a
sponsor, philanthropist, a charity or foundation, to make the books available to hospitals,
doctor's offices, the Crohn's and Colitis Foundations, to native communities,
treatment centres, libraries and schools etc. — to make the German and English
editions available to schools worldwide: as an interesting reading/learning material with values.



Thomas Edmund Mueller
Erlebnisse, Ansichten, Gedanken, Mein Leben
Hardcover, 10x10 inches (24x24 cm), 376 pages.
With over 140 personal, authentic, large fotos.
A beautiful, special and exceptional book —
that is, however, not without controversy!
ISBN 978-0-9865536-1-5